Elegant Weekend Cheeseboard

Weekend Cheeseboard

After posting this photo of a cheese board I whipped up this weekend on my Instagram, I was blown away by the feedback I got!! I don’t know if it was the actual cheese board or the back drop, but I felt the amount of praise warranted a blog post (even if the photos were shot on my iPhone and you know I only like to post professional shots here on the blog!!).

In sharing this on the blog, I hoped to provide a clearer view of the photos (that you can pin!!). But more importantly, I wanted to make the images shopable – because I love so many of the decorative accents I have in my family room and want to share where I found many of them!!

Also for those of you newer to the FH scene, find all the details on my family room in this post and find more cheese platters here.

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend, excited for a busy week!

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