It’s back to school time and this girl could not be more excited! The night before Reese’s first day, we got busy picking out the perfect Old Navy outfit, packing her backpack with all her new school supplies, and making a delicious lunch. Amidst the prep I decided to sit down with Reese for a little Q & A that I wanted to have as a keepsake. The answers ended up being so stinkin’ cute I had to share with you guys!! Get ready to enter the world of two and a half…
Q & A with Reese {Birthday 1.31.13} conducted on 8.9.15:
What is your Favorite Food:
Reese: Avocado {I have to say I could not be more proud of this answer although I am not surprised! This girl will literally eat anything you put in front of her and actually loves fruits and veggies.}
What is your Favorite Book:
Reese: Pinkalicious… no, Silverlicious… no both! {Reese has loved this book series since she was one and a half… Moms, this is the cutest for your daughters, buy them here!! We read them so often that Reese can recite nearly the entire book by memory!}
What is your Favorite Toy:
Reese: Bear {Bear is her stuffed animal that she takes everywhere – literally! We finally had to buy a backup because she would cry at the thought of being separated for an hour to put him in the washing machine!}
What is your favorite Favorite Movie or TV Show:
Reese: Danny T {aka. Daniel Tigers Neighborhood which is a sweet take off of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood on PBS Kids. It’s the only show my kids want to watch and honestly I don’t mind at all because it’s educational and has the sweetest messaging}
Whats your brother’s name: {This wasn’t meant to be a Question but Brooks was screaming for attention so I threw it in… and I am happy I did}
Reese: The Bubba Baby Bookie {Hysterical because that’s what we call him all the time… I guess we should start calling him ‘Brooks’ on a more regular basis so this nick name doesn’t stick and haunt him for life.}
What is your Favorite Activity:
Reese: Playing with Molly {Molly is Reese’s American Doll which was actually MY American Doll once upon a time! After a recent playdate where she quickly became obsessed with her friend’s doll I called my mom to send my Molly doll that still sat in my childhood room in Miami. Ever since it arrived two weeks ago, she and Reese have become best friends.}
What is your Favorite Vacation Spot:
Reese: Aspen {To be honest I was shocked at this answer. It was the last trip we took as a family but I didn’t realize she paid much attention to the name of cities! Guess she really is quite the sponge.}
What are you most excited about at school:
Reese: Watercolors {Aw my little artist… I guess I won’t be needing to find more art for our new walls after all!}
And last but not least what is Mommy most excited about dressing this little girl in for school? Today’s outfit to a T…. Old Navy Heart Graphic Pullover, Leopard-Print Faux-Denim Leggings, and Faux-Leather Boots. This girl is officially ready for a busy year!