With the amount of sun exposure I have gotten this summer, my skin is practically screaming for moisture the second I pop out of the shower. Here are a couple of lotions that I am LOVING right now for AM and PM use:
1. AM Body Lotion: Eucerin Daily Protection Moisturizing Body Lotion. When I get out of the shower in the AM, my routine is always to lube up with my body moisturizer, but in the summer I like to have SPF on as well. I tried skipping my moisturizer and just opting for the sunscreen {because 2 layers is a tad excessive!}, but it meant I spent my day feeling sticky with a tropical scent. So when I found Eucerin that came with an SPF I was elated. It feels and smells like a normal moisturizer but has the perk of SPF 15.
2. PM Face Lotion: Erno Laszlo Firmarine Night Cream. I hate wearing any thick moisturizers during the day because I feel that they make me look oily and greasy. But I know that properly moisturizing your face can help keep away wrinkles. So at night I love this cream because it immediately makes your skin feel soft and when you wake up you look incredibly rejuvenated.
3. AM Face Lotion + PM Pre-Event-Prep Lotion: BLISS Triple Oxygen Ex-‘glow’-sion. Usually when I am getting ready for a big meeting, party, or event, I do a quick brightening mask so my face really glows prior to putting on makeup. This new moisturizer from Bliss does all of the work of brightening that my facemask would, so I am one step closer to being ready!
4. PM Elbow/Hands/ Cuticles/ Feet Lotion: Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream. I feel the need to call this a balm instead of a cream because it is so thick and dense, but heck it works. Even the smallest dab on any area will swap scales for smooth in seconds … or a few nights of consistent application before bed will really do the trick for good. I sometimes even give myself an at home foot treatment by applying to my feet, immediately putting on socks, and then letting it sink in over night. Give it a try and tell me that isn’t magic in the morning!