Shirt: Jcrew, Skirt: Express (I have never shopped there but my friend got me the skirt and it’s so cute!), Shoes: Giuseppe Zanotti, Bracelets: Vita Fede, Necklace: Vintage
I am excited to announce that I have teamed up with the Blogger of LemonStripes.com for a series of Fashion articles called ‘Styled 2 Ways’.
How this came to be: I was introduced to the adorable blonde preppy blogger, Julia, and we instantly clicked. We bonded over our love for fashion and food, but it was clear our ‘styles’ were definitely different [she preferred polka dots while I preferred distressed leather…] Julia had the idea for us to do a fashion experiment… We met up on 5th avenue in NYC for a shopping trip through some of our favorite stores. We agreed on several of the same pieces and from there went our separate ways to tackle styling them as it suited our personal taste. In a series of upcoming articles, you will see how we style these pieces ’2 Ways’, giving you double the outfit ideas… and in this case a great day or night option! Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for this fun series that will continue throughout the summer!!
For our first pick, we headed to JCrew (a usual stop for her, while a seldom one for myself). Nervous that the looks would be too “preppy”, I took on the challenge of making this classic shirt more edgy by pairing it with a sequin skirt… talk about suddenly “sexifying” it! I love that the sparkly collar ties back to the sparkles in the skirt. Moreover, since I am really showing some legs (gasp, I need some sun!) I love that the shirt isn’t too revealing on top, balancing out the look. Now check out Julia’s styles here.
Shop Sparkled Collars: