Holiday time means endless parties… endless entertaining… and endless people using your bathroom!! (I know it sounds like a gross/odd/weird point to bring up, but it’s the truth!) So whether you live in a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment and need to straighten up your own abode… OR you are lucky enough to have a spare powder room for guests to freshen up in… it is important to have that room looking tidy and in order for your guests. To assist in this project, I have some quick and easy tips that I am using to prep for my own festivities!
This was fantastically cheap and easy because Target has pre-embroidered towels with initials ranging in an array of colors (see here)! These are perfect if you are into the whole monogrammed look… not to mention there is no wait for custom embroidery like most websites!
How to get my look: I layered a dark grey bath towel first, then a hand towel of contrast color (white with grey font – matched the embroidery to the bath towel) second, and then a wash cloth (that matches back to the bath towel) last. Uber chic!
Organize your products:
I am the first to admit that my products are constantly overflowing from my medicine cabinets and onto my counter tops. Unfortunately this isn’t really conducive to the whole entertaining aspect, so I found it crucial to purchase a wall-mounted shelf for extra storage space. Products are still out for guests to see, so at least keep them in nice orderly rows!! (See similar item here)
Prep the essentials:
Make sure to have fresh hand soap, tissues, q-tips, and a candle with matches out for guests to use!! (Maybe even place a bottle of febreeze on the ground along-side the toilet if you think the candle won’t suffice!) Of course make sure you have plenty of toilet paper available as well. If you want to keep you toothbrushes and toothpastes out, at least keep them looking orderly in pretty display cups!