Launch breakfast for Huggies new Clutch ‘n’ Clean wipes hosted by Momtrends in NYC
Mar 2, 2014
This past Wednesday, Momtrends hosted a breakfast with a group of top editors and bloggers in NYC for the launch of the New HUGGIES Clutch ‘n’ Clean* Wipes. Held at David Burke Kitchen, the event introduced this cool new clutch that comes in an array of fashionable summer-happy cases from polka dots to stripes. {Translation: A wipes case that hangs on the outside of your diaper bag so there’s no more digging to find a wipe when your baby gets off the subway/ picks up something gross at the playground/ has a runny nose… sign me up!}
At the breakfast, Nicole the Founder of MomTrends showcased a series of fashion looks for a date night, a day at the playground, and a day in the life of a working mom and asked us for our input and feedback as to how we would style them {of course with the clutch as the featured accessory!}. These looks will be featured on Huggies.com in a lookbook so that readers can see how fun and easy it is to be a fashionable mom.
After the delicious breakfast and a fun conversation about fashion, we each headed home with a delightful gift bag of mom essentials. The Clutch ‘n’ Clean Wipes – my obvious favorite – will be available in March starting at $3.99 per clutch.
Oh and I was so excited to run into one of my favorite mommy bloggers Jenna of LunchPailsandLipstick; gotta love us showing off our new clutches.