Happy Mother’s Day from Our Family to yours!
Just a few days before this Mother’s Day our youngest, Dane who is 20 months, had a visit to the ER. He stuck his tiny finger into the opening of the door before slamming it shut. The sight was not pretty and a trip to the hospital was evident. While the whole incident was definitely scary and stressful, I found myself quite calm through it all. You see, as a mom of three under the age of 6, I realized this was my first trip to the hospital… and it wasn’t even THAT bad.
As I sat in the waiting room I looked around at the other parents with their children. I wondered their stories. The realization of how lucky I was began to set in hard. So lucky to have a minor injury on my hands. So lucky that my children are healthy and smart. So lucky to have three beautiful children.
The day ended with four stitches and a whole new perspective. I wondered if it was no coincidence that it happened so close to Mother’s Day. Needless to say, this Mother’s Day, although relatively insignificant in number, is much more meaningful to me. I am SO blessed (and totally tearing up looking through these photos of our family!!).

First Mother’s Day for my Sisters
To make this day even more special, this is the FIRST TIME celebrating Mother’s Day alongside my two sisters who have 8 and 4 month olds. Their babies are beyond precious and I feel so blessed for my kids to have cousins!!
Jo Malone sent each of us their newest scents as Mother’s Day Gifts to it was the perfect excuse to schedule a family photo shoot. I am so happy we have these photos so we can remember celebrating for the first time.

Wishing Fellow Mammas a Happy Mother’s Day!!
Photography by SnapPhotography