Remember when I debuted my Living Room Tour about a week ago on the blog? Well, since the announcement, guests have been flocking over for a glimpse of the finished product. This abundance of people quickly left my husband and myself searching for sleek ways to incorporate additional seating, of course keeping with our cool aesthetic.
I came across the perfect solution, INSPIRE Q’s Southport Grey Linen Metal Benches, which are 22-inch wide, meaning I could fit two side by side in my open space directly across from my Barcelona chairs. Aside from matching perfectly with my metal coffee table and grey couch, I also love that they are so light weight that guests can easily move them around the room. Whether that means re-adjusting for a seat closer to the coffee table snacks, or to get a better angle of the TV!
I am so excited that INSPIRE Q has decided to team up with Fashionable Hostess for an exclusive giveaway for my readers so you too can have additional seating in your room!!
The Giveaway Rules are simple: Like Inspire Q on Facebook, Tweet #SouthportBenchGiveaway + #howdoyouIQ on Twitter, Click the Rafflecopter link below to confirm, Then you are entered to Win 2 INSPIRE Q’s Southport Metal Benches {choice of color – a value of $416.00!!}.
Enter here: