Hey Mama Event Hosted by FH
As kick off to summer I hosted a Hey Mama Event in my home. (In case you are not familiar with HeyMama, read about the community here!). The theme of the event was “White Board & Wine” which translates to a an evening of mom entrepreneurs gathering together (with wine of course!) for an intimate evening of brainstorming and talking through our businesses. The goal was to help one another in a totally safe environment, to discuss both the successful elements and the struggles of our businesses and motherhood, and to inspire each other with new ideas and fresh perspectives (keeping track on our white boards – hence the name of the event.). The outcome : an incredible event filled with a power house of Mom-preneurs who all walked away feeling inspired and refreshed. Here’s a recap of the evening.

The Setup
I hosted the event in my Family Room. Beauty & The Board created a gorgeous overflowing cheese board for guests to snack on, while Crave Clean brought healthy cookies. We sipped Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc wine from Thrive and I ordered two large sushi boats for dinner. I kept the decor simple with my new couch pillows on debut and some complimentary ginger jars on my dining table. Thrive sent adorable notepads and gold pens for the girls to jot notes.

The Agenda
After an hour of chit chatting, we broke out into groups of 3-4 women. Hey Mama rep Megan explained that we would go around to each person in the group for 12 minutes to discuss the business, a few minutes to discuss struggles, a few minutes for questions, and a few minutes for feedback. Then alternate. The room got cozy on my couches and even in circles on the floor diving right into it! The room was filled with chatter and laughs – such an inspiring sight@@

Oh What a night! I am honored Hey Mama asked me to host so many incredibly talented women in my home!!

Photos by Red Eye Photography