Come holiday time my family gatherings can be #WonderfullyComplicated. While the women in my family are die hard chocolate fans, the men all crave vanilla. It’s hard to find a dessert to bake without buying half of the dessert isle with the hopes of pleasing everyone. This year I’ve outsmarted them all and decided to make a Scharffen Berger marble cake {i.e. a chocolate and vanilla swirl cake, perfect for everyone!}.
First I found this bundt tin at Williams-Sonoma, which I love for elegant holiday cakes. Then I chose Scharffen Berger chocolate which is mildly sweet and great for baking! Here’s the recipe I chose, which can be found on the Scharffen Berger website. For the finishing touch, I sprinkled the cake with fresh chocolate flakes {or also recommend powdered sugar}. Hope your holiday guests love it as much as mine did!