It doesn’t get much sweeter than looking back at my very first picture as a mother to my most recent (above). Becoming a mother to Baby Reese 15.5 months ago was one of the happiest moments in my life. So now as I celebrate my second Mother’s Day (with less than 2 months left until baby number two joins us), I plan to take some time to count my blessings. I am so incredibly fortunate to have such a healthy baby, happy marriage, and supportive family.
Becoming a mother has REALLY shown me that my own mom (a mother to five – GOD BLESS HER!) deserves a standing ovation! Motherhood is one of life’s hardest tasks; it’s a 24/7 job that much of the time goes unrewarded (and yes, unpaid!). But no matter how many hours and years she spent playing this tough role of “mom”, my mother never let one day go by where she didn’t pour her heart and soul into this job. She was a role model for everyone around her, especially yours truly. There are days when I remind myself to put my cell phone down, live in the moment, and try and be half as energetic as she was.
So to all you moms out there (especially mine!), congrats on another year of devotion and dedication!! I hope you also will take some time to reflect, count your blessings, and thank your mom.
A Shot of four generations… My grandmother, my mother, me (OMG I am a mother!), and Baby Reese. We are one lucky family.