Bring on 2023!

2023 GOALS: Inspire. Style. Shop.

I took a little break from Fashionable Hostess for the month of January (for the first time in nearly 10 years!!) so that I could spend a little time reflecting. Reflecting on what I love todo (and what I don’t)… Reflecting on what I want to share… and Reflecting on my goals!! Ultimately, here are the 3 things I want to focus on 2023… I am excited for the ride, and hope you will come along!

1. Goal No. 1 is to INSPIRE : Over the years I have loved bringing fresh inspiration to this platform (here on and on my IG @FashionableHostess). I love to INSPIRE you when it comes to styling your home (and re-styling it with each season). I love to INSPIRE you when it comes to setting your table or hosting a holiday. And of course I love to INSPIRE you with ways to make everyday life just a bit prettier. So in 2023, I want to continue INSPIRING and sharing ideas both new and old, as this was always my mission when I started my site.

2. Goal No. 2 is to share my STYLING projects : If started following @FashionableHostessDesigns this past year, you saw that in 2022 I took on numerous home design and home makeover projects. I love this new part of my business but I have been searching for a way to make it relatable and useful for Fashionable Hostess Followers. So I decided I am going to share the actual mood boards I create for clients with you guys!! These mood boards will be shoppable with @liketoknowit so if for example, you are renovating your bathroom, you can shop the vanity, the lights, the mirrors, all with the click of a button. I am really excited about this new feature and think you will find it really useful… it’s like having a personal designer!!

3. Goal No. 3 to share where I SHOP : While I love to shop and always have new pieces around my house, I havenโ€™t done a great job of sharing where I love to shop (both stores and online), and you guys are always asking for sources, so in 2023 thatโ€™s going to change! I am going to share videos from my favorite stores (in Miami and when I travel!), I will share when I shop my favorite websites (especially if there are sales), and will share these in fun ways like with Reels over on Instagram! I am excited to share these places and finds with you.

So, here we go, another exciting year ahead!! Can’t wait to have you alongside me! Of course, messages and comments here and on IG are always appreciated!! xx, Amanda