Spring into Shape Tips

Written by Guest Nutritionist Casey Simmons:

Hi ladies! Happy Spring time!

Not only is Spring a time to set our clocks ahead, but it is also time to get ahead in our health and fitness so let’s “Spring” into shape, shall we?

Springtime seems to be the best time to get into shape. Whether or not you need to shed those unwanted pounds or want to get healthier, this is the perfect time to do it so you can glow in those beautiful pastel colors! The weather is warming up and gives you an array of options for some outdoor activity fun. While reducing your calorie intake and eating a more balanced diet is important, the best way to achieve better health is through fitness.

The mistakes many make are pressuring themselves into thinking they need to be perfect right from the get go. Don’t fall into this trap! Here are some helpful tips to give everyone the “realistic fitness jumpstart” they need to make their goals a long-term mission.

  • Baby Steps: Baby steps are essential in figuring out your fitness goals. Start small with a walk around the neighborhood, a short bike ride, or swimming a few laps. Keep increasing the time or length of your activity.
  • Partner Up: One of the best ways to stick with a fitness plan is to partner up with someone with the same goals in mind.
  • 21 days: Try it for 21 days. Develop an exercise regimen and give yourself 21 days of wholehearted commitment. According to most researchers, it takes 21 days to form a habit so if you commit yourself to 21 days of a healthier life then it is more likely that you will stick to it. After all, anyone can do something for 21 days.
  • Stay smiling: Choose a fitness activity that you enjoy and stay away from those that you don’t. For example, if you hate Yoga but love swimming then join an aquatic class. Research indicates that people are more likely to engage in exercise that they like than those they don’t like. When it comes to fitness, make it fun. Go on hikes, take nature walks, go boogie boarding, or go for a bike ride. When it comes to fitness, anything goes – just keep moving.
  • Fitness Diary: Keep track of fitness days and timeframes. If losing weight is a goal, jot this weekly information down, too. Oftentimes, inches are lost rather than pounds. Be sure to measure yourself monthly to see those numbers go down, too.
  • Rewards: Don’t forget to receive that “self-given pat on the back” for a job well done. Treat yourself to something special once in a while that doesn’t involve food or fitness like a massage or manicure/pedicure.
  • Don’t wane: If you fall off the exercise train, get right back on. Many times people will have one slip up and then say, “Oh well, I slipped up might as well forget it.”
  • Schedule: Schedule time for your exercise. Make your fitness/exercise program a part of your everyday life. Don’t make failure an option. Instead commit yourself to accomplishing your goal and don’t let anything stand in your way of ultimate success.

A fitness lifestyle change is a challenge but it can be done with realistic pre-planning. A network of support from those with like-minded goals can help make this new mission become a reality!